
Showing posts from April, 2016

Slabtown Customs "Rustic Glamper" What a hoot!!


just stupid

found out today that I'm a racist because I don't like a certain type of food. Not because I don't like the taste, that it's too spicy, and because it gives me gas....NO because I'm racist....seriously are people just stupid or what?  I also found out I'm racist and sexist because I see no point in  changing who is on the twenty dollar bill....what is this country (US) coming to? Time to start building that bunker

World War Z the audio book

Ok. First for any of you who actually read this I have to apologize for not posting recently. I could say it was because of some life changing even, but the truth is I just haven't felt up to again sorry. Now to what this is about, I recently had the opportunity to listen to the unabridged, 12 hour, movie tie-in, audio book of World War Z by Max Brooks. First let me say I have no idea what kind of experience reading this work of fiction would be like, but listening to it was a truly enjoyable experience. It is a intelligent, well thought out, and realistic portrayal of a world wide zombie epidemic and it's aftermath. In my opinion it is by far the best zombie fiction out there, and the fact that it is preformed by a full cast of exemplary actors is just icing on the cake. I've read a lot of reviews that are negative, comparing it to all of the other hack and slash zombie flotsam and jetsam that is out there, and while it does not have the structure, the hero saving...