In defense of the Bat'leth

With the new Star Trek series on the horizon and the numerous changes (horrible in my opinion) the show runners have made to the beloved Klingons the topic of the Bat'leth has been bandied about on forums and Youtube recently. A great number of these comments have consisted of words such as stupid, dumb, unusable, and ridiculous. Many making these comments are self proclaimed "experts" and others obviously have never held a edged weapon beyond a Mall Katana and certainly have never held a Bat'leth. While I would never say the Batleth is a great weapon it is far from the useless peice of crap that these so called experts would like to believe. So lets start with a couple of facts about the origin of the Bat'leth. The Bat'leth was created by Dan Curry in 1990 for the character of Worf in TNG, curry was a martial arts practitioner and has said he took inspiration from Deer horn knives, Curry also developed a fighting style with ritual dance like motions,...