
Showing posts from 2018

DIY Survival 410 Shotgun Kit, Last ditch firearm


In Tins Slingshot


Time to boycott Youtube


liberal stupidity

I love that people who know nothing about firearms are those telling us we can't own them.

Electric Diddley Bow Inspired By CB Gitty


Stick fighting for self defense, Suggested reading, free pdfs available online

The Cane as a weapon by AC Cunnigham The Walking Stick Method of Self Defense by HG Lang Self Defense with a Stick by R&M Michael Self Defense with a Cane by Justin Bonnafous A Tool of History, A Weapon for the Present By Stephen F. Baker

UC Night Watchman Law Enforcement Thumper Quick Look


Ever wonder just how F'd up NY weapon laws are? read small excerpt translated into simple English

It is illegal to carry a dirk, dagger, or stiletto ( aka any fixed blade knife) with the intent to use it as a weapon against another, but they are legal to own. New York does not have concealed carry laws, therefore it is legal to open or conceal carry any knife that is legal to own and that the carrier does not intend to use unlawfully against another. The law provides that when a person is found in possession of a dirk, dagger, or stiletto, there is a presumption that the possessor intended to use it as a weapon against another. This presumption can be rebutted in Court; however, a person can still be arrested and charged with a crime, even if he or she did not intend to use the weapon unlawfully against another. The determination of whether a person intended to use a knife against another may be left up to a jury, and a person still arrested and charged with crime, even though he or she did not intend to use the weapon unlawfully. Assumed intent and guilty until proven inn...

Coal Mountain Panjo Kit A Quick Look
