HP Lovecraft

I watched a video (about a RPG Call of Cthulhu) today where the person doing the video kept bringing up the fact that HP Lovecraft was a racist, and making it a reason not to like his work. OK HP was a racist, so what? So was everyone else at the time he lived, that doesn't make him evil or good it just makes him a product of his time. I get so incredibly tired of today's generations judging people who lived decades, even centuries ago by today's "standards". I'm sorry people, but everyone is sculpted by the times they live in, and for people today to judge them is no less bigoted than those they are judging. What HP was, is xenophobic in a clinical sense. He grew up in a broken home where his father died in a sanitarium from complications of syphilis. He was raised by a obsessive mother who in today's world would more than likely been diagnosed with Munchhausen syndrome. He was at the very least verbally abused, she referred to him as Ugly, Deformed, Hid...