
Showing posts from September, 2019


Facebook: a place where people who know nothing can pretend they are experts on everything and find other idiots to agree with them.

Last Jedi, good? Bad?? Awful???

Well finally broke down and watched Last Jedi, was not impressed. It wasn't that it was poorly written (it was), it wasn't that they bastardized long standing characters (they did), it wasn't that canon was ignored (again it was), it wasn't even that Rey is the very definition of a mary sue (oh how she was) it was simply stupid. Logic was ignored, and every trope imaginable was used. Was it awful, yes. Yes it was.

it's 9/11 again

How about we remember 12/7, or 4/19, or 3/6, or any of the other horrendous incidents that have happened in this country??? Oh wait that's right it happened in NYC....

To all those people who think everyone's out to get them

Fyi, no one cares, who you are, what you are, what you think you are, who you fuck or how you live your life, because the fact is they are just too damn busy trying to survive their own lives, and in all honesty you just aren't all that important.