
Showing posts from 2020

I remember

 I remember when politicians talked policy, programs and priorities. Now all they do is talk smack and scream at each other like preschoolers on the play ground. What happened? Why do we vote for these idiots? 

Vampires vs the Bronx

 Just watched this on Netflix, its a Netflix movie about upscale WHITE vampires moving in and taking over a ethnic neighborhood, while a group of kids try to save their neighborhood from the "those white people with canvas bags" have to wonder what kind of up-roar it would cause if the roles were reversed? Seriously, could have been a cute movie if it hadn't been so obvious. "We are going to wipe you out like the vermin you are" white vamp says to black character..etc.etc..stereotype much? 

Marble's Chopper A Quick Look (rough video)


Lovecraft Country worst kind of trash.

 Just watched the first episode of Lovecraft Country, based on a novel so loosely based on Lovecraft Mythos as to be laughable. All I can say is that this travesty is a incredibly stilted and one sided take on history, Lovecraft, and his mythos, so bigoted as to be laughable and obviously only made to check all the woke boxes. Good work HBO. Good points well the acting was OK considering the material, seems the budget was substantial for sets and photography. In one final note I find it amazing that this story clearly written from the view point of a African American character, a Korean war veteran in the late 50's or early 60's was written by a white man born in New York in 1965 and who attended a private primary school, a college prep magnate school and private college. 

CDC statement gives 3 month immunity to Covid 19 victims, sort of, maybe, could be!

  "People who have tested positive for COVID-19 do not need to quarantine or get tested again for up to 3 months as long as they do not develop symptoms again. People who develop symptoms again within 3 months of their first bout of COVID-19 may need to be tested again if there is no other cause identified for their symptoms," the CDC said. So is it 3 month immunity or not, can we say double talk guys?  They go on to say " CDC spokesman clarified that while it is unlikely someone will get reinfected or infect others during the three-month period, "it's important these individuals continue to social distance, wear masks, and practice good hand hygiene until scientists know more about long term immunity against COVID." So do you or don't you have immunity? Doesn't really sound like it , now does it?

Schools during covid

Schools are now sending out waivers to families to sign, that if your child contracts the virus and dies you won't sue. Seriously that alone should tell you that the schools should not open yet. But I guess its more important to get them out of the house than worry about death, and about the lives of the people who work in the schools, shows how fucked up have we become as a society. But just wait on the bright side in a few years we can watch commercials " if you or anyone in you family contracted covid and died or suffered long term health problems after your child returned to school in 2020 call 1-800-shyster"

More covid stupidity

Today the president's education spokes person stated that the schools must reopen and we can't let science get in the way. WTF? Do we really live in a society of idiots? The CDC guidelines on school reopenings has been suppressed by the white house at the same time that the president has blocked the CDC representative from speaking before a House committee, is this really what we have come to, that public safety has become a secondary consideration. I'm ashamed of our country and it's people.

Moral bankruptcy in the USA

Recently a man was murdered by the police ( a horrible shame) and the entire country goes into meltdown, 120,000 die from corona virus and the whole country is ambivalent, in denial and worse has no concerns about those who are yet to die due to inaction, inability to consider the public good and self-centered selfishness. Morally bankrupt hardly covers it.  Yes it is worse than the flu you pathetic people, no it doesn't just affect the elderly, there is no proof that herd immunity is even possible, and every life lost is more important than your ability to hang out with your friends, get your hair done, go to a ball game, or your inconvenience at having to actually be parents to your children.

A note to Cuomo

You drug your feet getting us closed and we paid the price, now you're in a rush to open and we're likely to pay the price again. You talk like this is a done deal when there is a strong possibility of a second wave, and there no evidence that having it once makes you immune. Now they are finding that this virus can cause strokes and embolism in that 20 to 40yr range and effecting those young children that didn't have anything to worry about. This virus mutates quickly, the scientist's don't have a handle on it, stop pretending you do. The numbers are down because people are staying home even when they should go to hospital, or be tested, because its safer to stay at home, and a major pain in the ass to get tested. If the numbers were really down you wouldn't have spikes like 10,000 new cases Saturday and then drop to 5000 Sunday, all that shows is that your testing is inconsistent. Sure things need to start opening but this is New York and once you start it...

prepared vs. panicked and the virus

lets start by saying this is primarily a rant against the stupidity currently being shown in response to the virus outbreak that is affecting pretty much every country in the developed world. I continually read comments condemning preparedness as panic. I live in NY state a area that is more likely to be affected than most and yet daily I'm hearing comments like, "it's no worse than the cold" "people are panicking over nothing" " I don't care it won't affect me." I can't really blame most people since the some total of advice we're getting from our officials is " don't panic and wash your hands." Stupidity is rife in this day and age, and most seem to embrace it. I have been out and have seen no one in a "panic" I have seen a few intelligent individuals preparing for the outbreak, stocking up on food, medications etc. This is not the "panic" it's being painted as by the media, and online troll...

Zippo SOS and Backwoods Bushcraft Barlow
