
Showing posts from March, 2020

prepared vs. panicked and the virus

lets start by saying this is primarily a rant against the stupidity currently being shown in response to the virus outbreak that is affecting pretty much every country in the developed world. I continually read comments condemning preparedness as panic. I live in NY state a area that is more likely to be affected than most and yet daily I'm hearing comments like, "it's no worse than the cold" "people are panicking over nothing" " I don't care it won't affect me." I can't really blame most people since the some total of advice we're getting from our officials is " don't panic and wash your hands." Stupidity is rife in this day and age, and most seem to embrace it. I have been out and have seen no one in a "panic" I have seen a few intelligent individuals preparing for the outbreak, stocking up on food, medications etc. This is not the "panic" it's being painted as by the media, and online troll...