Surviving the Apocalypse: Learn from experts

Probably one of the easiest ways to prepare for the apocalypse is to learn from experts, no not those guys on TV whose only purpose is entertainment but people who really have had to live the life. I was fortunate enough to have parents and grandparent who live in a time and place where modern technology was still very limited, unfortunately I was not smart enough to take full advantage of it, but still I did learn quite a bit.  I have stoked a wood stove to keep from freezing, hauled water, tended animals, and not had the advantage of indoor plumbing. I have hunted, and fished for my food and gone hungry if I came home without. Now I know that the number of people still living in this country who have lived in a style more familiar to the people of the 18th century than the 21st is dwindling rapidly, but first hand accounts are still available. Journals and diaries written by folk who have lived under primitive conditions, as well as cookbooks, are out there and are filled with valuable information, many for free on Googlebooks and other sources. First hand information is always the best information to be had. 


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