Surviving the Apocalypse: loose lips sink ships

OK I know most people under 50 wont even know what that means so hears another way to say it....Keep your mouth shut or you'll die! I love how people go on Youtube or forums and happily detail all the cool stuff they have for when SHTF. Or better show their bug out locations, detail their plans, and in general give a inventory of their supplies. Come on how dumb is that? Do you think because you don't show your face of give exact directions to your stash that there wont be someone who can figure it out? That you can't be followed or tracked? Or that the government can't find you with a few key strokes? Maybe you just tell a few friends or family they don't seem interested but believe me when things go pear shaped they will remember every word you have said and will be knocking on your door expecting a share at best, or knocking you in the head and taking it all at worst. Keep what you have to yourself and maybe you'll have it when you need it.


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