
Showing posts from September, 2015

And they say common core math is new......

Only this makes more sense

Internet Experts

OK this is going to be a bit of a rant so feel free not to read. I have a pet peeve, and sometimes it really pisses me off and that is self proclaimed internet experts....I have been interested in a few fields of study for a loooong time, since far before the age of computers...I know hard to believe any of us fossils are still around...and yes I do know how to use a card catalog and the dewey decimal system....but back to my rant. After all these years I still do not consider myself a expert, but I am constantly coming across people, that I know for a fact until very recently knew nothing about the field they are now declaring themselves a expert in. Even worse in my book is that these people are taking what they have learned from true experts and putting it out there like it was their break through or their research when the fact of the mater is they have done none of the work that is required to acquire the knowledge. Just because you visit a bunch of forums and watch youtube you ar...

Surviving the apocalypse: Air Power

 No I'm not talking about having a F16 in your garage, I'm talking about air powered rifles. Now I'm not going to get into the whole, can air guns be used as a weapon debate, but I will say the modern big bore rifles that can take down a water buffalo do blur the lines. Anyone preparing for survival really should have a air gun on hand, whether it's a common small caliber for small game or one of the big bore hunting rifles. Air guns have a number of advantages in this anti-gun world. First and foremost they do not require a license or registration. Ammo for firearms is getting not only more expensive but also difficult to find, and even require a background check in some states, giving the powers that be another way to track your weapons in a crisis. Ammo for air guns is cheaper, lighter, and easier to acquire. A plus, plus, plus. As to what air guns are capable of doing, and cost, well that depends on caliber and type, I'll leave you to YouTube, and r...

Surviving the apocalypse:budget survival tool/weapon extraodinaire

The machete, a truly under appreciated tool/ weapon that every budget minded person should have. Yes you can find machetes that cost mega bucks but why would you want to when you can buy a truly serviceable one for around twenty bucks US. They come in a infinite number of shapes, sizes and weights for pretty much any need. For clearing brush, cutting saplings or splitting skulls they are without equal. Many of the heavy machetes can even handle heavy chopping. I personally prefer a shorter machete in the 12 to 20 inch size, great for light to moderate chopping, easy to maintain and easy to carry. Favorite brands are Tramontina, Imacasa or even a old Collins if you can find one. This is one time buying from South of the Border is a great thing. For the love of Pete stay away from the ones sold at Wally World and other big box stores they are crap with a capitol C. In a SHTF situation a machete may be your best friend and while you are getting ready for STHF they will give you a practi...

More proof


Proof that you can find a beautiful spot even in NY


Surviving the apocalypse: a couple of things

First another Bug Out Bag Comment: Bug Out Bags should not weigh a ton, common wisdom (at least on youtube) says your bug out should be 10 to 15% of your body weight. OK seriously? That would put my BOB at near 30lbs as I'm a big guy, not fat, not sedentary, just big...Now I hate to tell all the experts out there, but if SHTF and I'm out there on foot, trying to make as little noise as possible, move as fast as possible and travel as far as possible I don't want to be carrying a 30lb. anchor on top of any other items I am carrying outside of my BOB. OK you're a ex-navy seal whose used to trekking with 100lbs of gear, well more power to you that aint me or anyone I know. If you want to load a vehicle with tons of equipment cool, I would too, but if your BOB is for making a quick on foot escape keep it light, because there isn't going to be anyone out there to carry it for you. Secondly: If anyone doesn't know ammo is heavy (there seem to be a lot of people who d...