Internet Experts

OK this is going to be a bit of a rant so feel free not to read. I have a pet peeve, and sometimes it really pisses me off and that is self proclaimed internet experts....I have been interested in a few fields of study for a loooong time, since far before the age of computers...I know hard to believe any of us fossils are still around...and yes I do know how to use a card catalog and the dewey decimal system....but back to my rant. After all these years I still do not consider myself a expert, but I am constantly coming across people, that I know for a fact until very recently knew nothing about the field they are now declaring themselves a expert in. Even worse in my book is that these people are taking what they have learned from true experts and putting it out there like it was their break through or their research when the fact of the mater is they have done none of the work that is required to acquire the knowledge. Just because you visit a bunch of forums and watch youtube you are not a expert, it takes a life time of work and study and sometimes even then you are not a expert. Just saying.


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