Surviving the apocalypse: a couple of things

First another Bug Out Bag Comment: Bug Out Bags should not weigh a ton, common wisdom (at least on youtube) says your bug out should be 10 to 15% of your body weight. OK seriously? That would put my BOB at near 30lbs as I'm a big guy, not fat, not sedentary, just big...Now I hate to tell all the experts out there, but if SHTF and I'm out there on foot, trying to make as little noise as possible, move as fast as possible and travel as far as possible I don't want to be carrying a 30lb. anchor on top of any other items I am carrying outside of my BOB. OK you're a ex-navy seal whose used to trekking with 100lbs of gear, well more power to you that aint me or anyone I know. If you want to load a vehicle with tons of equipment cool, I would too, but if your BOB is for making a quick on foot escape keep it light, because there isn't going to be anyone out there to carry it for you.
Secondly: If anyone doesn't know ammo is heavy (there seem to be a lot of people who don't get this point), and you're only going to be able to carry so much (not like in the Walking Dead where ammo seems to come out their butts or something ) so don't expect to have a unlimited supply if you're on the run..... While having a well stocked bunker is fine, the fact is when you need it most, you may not have it. Plan for that as well.


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