SHTF is coming

I don't know if it will happen in a week, a month, or ten years, but it is coming. It wont be due to IS, or solar flares, or any outside force. It will be due to a rupture in the fabric of our society, this rupture has been exacerbated beyond all reason in recent years. It would be nice to point a finger at one person, but unfortunately the blame can be spread from parent to president, and every elected official who hasn't had the balls to say enough is enough. In my heart I fear that there is no turning back from the brink at this point and we will find no aid from our friends and allies who will be happy to pick over our remains. All jokes aside its time to prepare for the worst, and pray for the best. If anyone reading this feels I am being a alarmist, open you eyes, read the headlines, study history and judge for your self.


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