More Strangeness

Hi, no I haven't given up on my surviving the apocalypse post just taking a little break.
So anyway to the strangeness. I live in a neighborhood that has a large multipurpose field surrounded on two sides by woods, and I happen to live directly across from it, Anyway the other day I was taking my German Shepherd for a walk when I noticed a grey shape standing at the edge of the woods across from me. Now normally I wouldn't have thought much about this seeing how we do have a lot of wildlife and domestic animals around. The thing that struck me as strange was that I could not focus on it, no mater how hard I tried it just remained a indistinct grey shape the size of a large dog or slightly larger. I stared at it for several second trying to see it more clearly before it just disappeared, I didn't see any movement it was just there and then it wasn't. I looked down and saw my dog staring in the same direction for a moment before looking up at me with a expression that on a human would have been, "You saw that too, right?" Just wigged me out a bit, strange, huh?


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