how to survive in the world

Years and years ago, when I was old enough to be out and about on my own my father told me many things, one was how to act around police officers. He had these following guide lines. Always say Sir: yes Sir, no Sir. Always speak in a calm and even voice. Always tell the officer what you are doing before you do it, I'm getting out my license, I'm opening the door. Always make slow and deliberate movements. Never argue, if asked a question reply without emotion and leave it at that, lawyers are paid to argue. Never try to leave without permission. Always be polite, say thank you, have a nice day etc. whether you mean it or not. Why did my father tell me these things, not because of my skin color or religion but because it was the proper way to act around police officers. Too bad people don't teach their children this anymore. He also told me to be respectful of my elders or expect a slap up along side the head but that's another story.


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