Things people seem not to understand

The United States of America is not a democracy it is a republic.
To try to or incite to overthrow a lawful election sanctioned by congress is at best revolt at worst treason.
Freedom of speech does not give the right to insult, attack, harrass, bully, lie, or instigate unlawful acts.
No person's or group's individual rights take supremacy over any others.
The electoral college was established so that no single population center or group could have a unfair advantage over the country as a whole.
Before and during the civil war the Democratic party did not want slavery abolished.
The rights guaranteed in the Constitution and bill of rights are only guaranteed to American citizens.
Just a few things people seem to have forgotten.
And finally it is our duty as Americans to uphold and honor the constitution, and bill of rights, respect the office of president, whether we like or respect our elected president or not.


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