American Horror Story has lost its horror

American Horror Story has once again reared its ugly head, and while the last two seasons have been weak IMHO the most resent (Cult) has absolutely jumped the shark. Over loaded with social comemtary, caricatures, and stereotypes it has ceased to be horror and become parody. From its images of the psychotic right to sociopathic left, terrified Hispanics waiting for the INS to take them away, outwardly and overly racist whites, lesbian couples and gay man married to straight female BFF, throw in crazed gun owner and creepy clowns, it truly takes things one step too far.  When the horror becomes nothing but sub-text, and social commentary is shoveled down your throat it really does not deserve the title American "Horror" Story, it was bad enough we all had to live through the circus of the last election with out having it magnified and rehashed once again, maybe the show runners should have rethought their agenda and stuck to horror.


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