Surviving the apocalypse: Cleanliness is next to Staying alive.

Another one of those things you very seldom hear the experts talking about stockpiling is soap. We use soap so much in today's world we hardly even think about it, what we use it for and what it would be like to do with out. We use soap on out skin, hair, clothes, dishes, wounds, etc.etc.etc. and to do without it would be less than pleasant... without soap to clean wounds infections can take hold in even the smallest injury.Without soap to clean our eating and cooking utensils food born illness can spread. Without soap to clean our skin and hair we stink. One good thing soap is pretty much soap, the same soap can be used for multiple things, so your really don't need twenty different kinds of it. What you need is a good, solid unscented bar of soap and a lot of them, because while my grandmother knew how to make soap I doubt many people today still have that skill. So remember guys prepare to be clean in the apocalypse, your friends and family will thank you...


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