Surviving the Apocalypse: Breaker Breaker

With the advent of the cell phone, internet and other forms of mobile communication the once noble and somewhat ludicrous CB Radio has become little more than a footnote in the history of the 1970's. For those of you who don't know CB stands for Citizens band radio, a short to mid-range communication system used in days gone by. The CB was a fairly inexpensive, required no license or registration...a true citizens radio system, and while it did have it's short comings it was very useful for communication while on the move. Now to the reason for this post, in a SHTF or Martial law situation communication ie. cellphone, internet etc. will be suspended, limited, and/or heavily monitored. The grid goes down, you loose all of those handy dandy devices we have become so dependent on. Martial law takes effect news agency's, radio stations, television and all the rest will be in the control of what ever government is left.  Short wave systems (what few are left) are licensed and registered making them easy to find and confiscate, what will be left, the lowly CB. Mobile, free from registration and able to run on a battery power source. They may truly become the only hope for contact in a world gone mad...My advice find a couple, learn how to use them and be ready...    


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