Surviving the apocalypse: you don't need 52 different Bug Out Bags

I've been watching videos again, and it seems the trend is to have sooooooo many Bug Out Bags that you need a separate building just to store them. It seems you need a EDC Bug Out Bag which never leaves your side, a BOB for your car, a Get Home Bag so you can get home to get your BOB. If you work in a office you need a office BOB, a while you're sleeping BOB so when something happens in the night you have a BOB till you wake up enough to grab your other BOBs, a school BOB, a gym BOB.....etc. etc. and so on. Enough is enough already. Redundancy is great but this is just plain stupid. Get your self or better yet make yourself a BOB, keep it in a place where it is accessible when you feel you need it most, make yourself a emergency supply kit to keep in your car and just stop the madness. Most people spend the vast majority of their time in one of three places, at home, at work or in their vehicle. So at the very most you will need three cashes of supplies and most people will only need two one at home and one in your car, since in the real world most people aren't going to be more than a few hundred yards from their vehicle while at work.  Keep it simple, keep it smart, over doing it wont help you in the end it'll just drain resources you can use to better effects so you really can survive the apocalypse.


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