just a little strange

I haven't been feeling real well lately, which in part is why I haven't been posting. It's hard to come up with things to say when you feel like crap, but putting that aside. When I'm not feeling well I tend to spend more time on the computer and in front of the TV than normal. One of the things I tend to watch/listen to are the many paranormal radio programs on YouTube. They tend to be entertaining, mindless ways to kill time and well are a little bit of a guilty pleasure. So anyway what I have noticed is a strange coincidence, when ever I happen to select one of these shows on "shadowpeople" I invariably run into some technical problem that prevents me from watching it. I know sounds like hogwash right? but it's true I can watch/listen to shows on ghosts, no problem. Vampires, no problem. Demons, UFOs, witchcraft etc. etc. etc. but shadowpeople big problem. Do I give this any mystical meaning, well not really, but I do find it kind of strange.


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