Surviving the apocalypse: learn to let stuff go.

As a culture this seems to be a skill we lost, we all seem to be collectors of something. Even those involved in prepping and survival pursuits seem to be in the constant act of acquiring stuff. I personally know how hard it is to give up your stuff and just how much of our "identity" is connected to our stuff. Not that long ago I was forced to go from a large two bedroom, two bath, kitchen, living room, dinning room, with storage apartment, to a one room studio. It was traumatic to give up so much of the stuff I had collected, and this was under what could be considered normal conditions not in a emergency situation where it could be a mater of life and death. So my advise today, for what it's worth, is prepare yourself to give up your stuff, develop a mindset that will allow you to quickly translate to a minimalist should the need arise. Bottom line, if you can't carry it, you just don't need it. 


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