a matter of perspective

A matter of perspective,
The other day I read a post speaking about how a marine unit had lost 9 members in the last 4 days and how unbelievable that was, terrible as that is, it seems that Americans have lost their perspective of war, and what a war really is. Lets start at the beginning US casualties in the Revolutionary War:25,000
Mexican American War:13,000
Civil War: 750,000
WWI: 116,000
WWII; 450,000
Korean: 36,000
Vietnam: 58,000
In WWII alone there was a average loss of life of over 200 a day....
Now lets move forward in the eight years that Obama was in office there was a total of apx. 2500 lives lost.
Lives lost in war since 2001 apx 7000.
In 2015 there were over 15,000 murders alone in the US
So while any loss of life is regrettable, lets not over dramatize the losses that have occurred in these recent wars, and lets hope we never see what a real war is again.


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