What the fμ<#!

Seriously what the fuck is this country (the USA) coming to. Just came across a article where a child was suspended from school and a letter was sent out to parents to assure them that the threat to their children had been dealt with, because the child had liked a picture of a gun on facebook!! And it wasn't even a real gun, it was a air soft gun, not that it matters. Liked a photo, seriously this is so ridiculous that it is truly my mind blowing. The liberal, PC brain washing has gone too far, it's ok to legalize pot, it fine to be in this country illegally, it's ok to have violent protests in this country as long as you're the right race, but you can't like a picture of a gun on facebook without being crucified, what the fuck. If I were that kids parents I would be raising 12 kinds of shot.


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