
Showing posts from July, 2015

Surviving the Apocalypse: Good guys die first...

In a SHTF scenario today's PC social standards and morals will do nothing but get you killed. Yes you can decide to stick to your standards, take the moral high ground and end up being the prey in a world full of predators, or you can adapt and survive. Now saying that does not mean you have to become some mindless beast but you will have to look at the world much differently than you do today. Lets use the canine world as a example. In that world you have two extremes at one end you have the Wolf, at the other the Toy Poodle...must people today are toy poodles. In a SHTF you might not have to become a Wolf but you damn sure wont be able to stay a Poodle and survive. A German Shepherd would be the way to go.

Surviving the Apocalypse: DIY Micro-shack, great little, cheap and quick shelter


Surviving the Apocalypse: Plan for long term survival

While that 72 hr survival kit you picked up on the internet is really cool, in a apocalypse it's going to last exactly 72 hrs. Not a real great survival time.  Things like space blankets, tube tents and survival bars are great for a short term crisis, not the end of the world as we know it. So when you are getting your kit together look for things that will be useful in the long term. This doesn't always have to cost a fortune, but it does take common sense and imagination. Instead of space blankets get some surplus wool ones. Instead of a Mylar tube tent pick up a couple of good quality tarps that you can use to make a shelter that will last weeks not days. Yes it will cost a few dollars more and it wont fit in your pocket but it might be the difference between 72 hours and life.  

Surviving the Apocalypse: prepare for the worst now

I have always thought of myself as a optimist, about people, society, even our government, but events over recent years have shown me that while optimism is a great thing to have it's not something that you can depend on. So prepare now for the worst and hope for the best....remember every bright new day is preceded by a long dark night, and I fear the dark may be rising.    

Surviving the Apocalypse: Tactical aint cool

Tactical ain't cool  Really, go ahead paint a big target on your forehead if you want. When stuff really hits the crapper the last thing you want is to stand out,. Your big black tacticool backpack, your military style clothing, and top of the line combat boots are just going to scream "look at me"...and more important "I've got stuff you want." No mater how good you are with your neatly concealed 9mm, a shot from hiding with a old hunting rifle is going to leave you just as dead, and put all your neat stuff in someone else's  hands. Forget the predatory thief or roving band of Mad Max extras for a moment. More importantly it'll set off alarms with any military or police presence that is still trying to control or get control of the situation. Again big frigging target on forehead and don't believe for one moment they can't take it all away from you. Also unless you live in a rural area where it's worn daily, drop the camo a...

It's the aliens fault

Recently during a high fever that accompanied a illness it all became clear to me, everything wrong with our country is a diabolical plan of the aliens (little green/grey men type not illegals, well maybe them too.) So here is my epiphany. Basically they want to turn us into a subservient work force by the following means Direct mind control:  Used primarily on politicians because they have so little mind to control, to manipulate favorable policy, and divide the people. Sandyhook type shooters, because they also have no mind to speak of, to instill fear and increasing government control. Biological chemical agents: Used to make segments of the population more docile and fearful, also to make certain groups more aggressive so the sheep are willing to give up anything to feel safe.  Genetic manipulation; Used to increase conditions that require long-term use of medications to control (all those three letter conditions that anyone over forty has never heard o...

Surviving the Apocalypse: Trying to feel human

There are a lot of things that can be done to insure your survival in a SHTF situation, but along with survival of the body there is also has to be something more, the ability to feel human. Ok you have your Bug Out Bag, your weapons cash, your food supply, and all the little tools and toys that Youtube says you need, but what about underwear and socks???  Lets face it you can run around for days even weeks in the same shirt and jeans if you have to.....but nothing makes you feel more miserable, less human than wearing wet and dirty underclothes and socks, and there's nothing that makes you feel better, more secure in you humanity than a fresh pair of shorts and a pair of dry socks without holes. So my suggestion is have at least one extra set in whatever bag you are carrying and a stash back at your main base, because lets face it you may not be able to run to your local Wally World and get your tighty whities once things go to the dogs. Remember what your mother said " You n...

Surviving the Apocalypse: Prepare for boredom

Ok if SHTF really does happen, the grid goes down and we're left living in a 19th century world there are going to be a lot of long hours waiting for the morning, the rain to stop, the spring to come. Boredom kills, so prepare. Books and not e-books but real honest to god paper books, they can be read without the need for electricity, traded, sold and even used, heaven forbid to start a fire.., try that with a kindle. Games, dice, cards, jacks (don't laugh), tiddlywinks. All light, compact games with a unlimited variety of ways to play. Finally music, remember no I pads, stereos, no more free down is probably one of the oldest ways, besides sex to spend time and relieve boredom, fortunately there are a number of small packable instruments available, recorders, penny whistles, jaw harps, spoons, harmonicas, ocarinas, kalimbas  etc. or make your own.You don't have to be a trained musician, just make noise, let the world know you're still alive and kicking.....

History Check: Give credit where credit is due

Saw a commercial today saying how we should thank the US army for our independence. Not to take anything away from the brave men and women of the US armed forces but the fact is we owe our independence to a conscripted colonial army and a militia made up of farmers, merchants, land owners and woodsmen. So instead of thanking a group of modern professional soldiers, thank the people who left their daily lives behind to take up arms for something they believed in, with nothing to gain but freedom.

Surviving the Apocalypse: best knife for around ten dollars

 Yes I said around ten dollars. That knife is the good old (the older the better) butchers knife. Available from many companies although I prefer either Old Hickory or Chicago Cutlery, (Old Hickory if like me you prefer carbon steel, Chicago Cutlery for stainless) or if you're really lucky you can find a good thick vintage blade for little of nothing at a second hand store. WTF am I talking about you might ask? Well what most people seem to forget is that before the Civil war the most common edged personal weapon was the lowly Butchers knife or some variation of it. Trappers, hunters, explorers, mountain men, all carried them for everything from cooking chores to personal defense. Cheap and easy to maintain they are the perfect apocalypse knife for the budget minded....if you are a DIYer you can pick up a complete knife or just a blade and go to town making it a personal piece of functional art.