Surviving the Apocalypse: Trying to feel human

There are a lot of things that can be done to insure your survival in a SHTF situation, but along with survival of the body there is also has to be something more, the ability to feel human. Ok you have your Bug Out Bag, your weapons cash, your food supply, and all the little tools and toys that Youtube says you need, but what about underwear and socks???  Lets face it you can run around for days even weeks in the same shirt and jeans if you have to.....but nothing makes you feel more miserable, less human than wearing wet and dirty underclothes and socks, and there's nothing that makes you feel better, more secure in you humanity than a fresh pair of shorts and a pair of dry socks without holes. So my suggestion is have at least one extra set in whatever bag you are carrying and a stash back at your main base, because lets face it you may not be able to run to your local Wally World and get your tighty whities once things go to the dogs. Remember what your mother said " You need to wear clean underwear in case you're in a accident" what better words are there for a Prepper to live by. Thanks Mom.


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