Surviving the Apocalypse: Prepare for boredom

Ok if SHTF really does happen, the grid goes down and we're left living in a 19th century world there are going to be a lot of long hours waiting for the morning, the rain to stop, the spring to come. Boredom kills, so prepare. Books and not e-books but real honest to god paper books, they can be read without the need for electricity, traded, sold and even used, heaven forbid to start a fire.., try that with a kindle. Games, dice, cards, jacks (don't laugh), tiddlywinks. All light, compact games with a unlimited variety of ways to play. Finally music, remember no I pads, stereos, no more free down is probably one of the oldest ways, besides sex to spend time and relieve boredom, fortunately there are a number of small packable instruments available, recorders, penny whistles, jaw harps, spoons, harmonicas, ocarinas, kalimbas  etc. or make your own.You don't have to be a trained musician, just make noise, let the world know you're still alive and kicking....and most of all give yourself a reason to smile, you'll need it. None of the things I mentioned cost a lot but the will be priceless in a dark world.  


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