Surviving the Apocalypse: Tactical aint cool

Tactical ain't cool
 Really, go ahead paint a big target on your forehead if you want. When stuff really hits the crapper the last thing you want is to stand out,. Your big black tacticool backpack, your military style clothing, and top of the line combat boots are just going to scream "look at me"...and more important "I've got stuff you want." No mater how good you are with your neatly concealed 9mm, a shot from hiding with a old hunting rifle is going to leave you just as dead, and put all your neat stuff in someone else's  hands. Forget the predatory thief or roving band of Mad Max extras for a moment. More importantly it'll set off alarms with any military or police presence that is still trying to control or get control of the situation. Again big frigging target on forehead and don't believe for one moment they can't take it all away from you. Also unless you live in a rural area where it's worn daily, drop the camo as well, in a urban setting it will say "please follow me to my super well stocked hideout, pretty please." whether you have one or not. So if you really want to survive, blend in, look secure but non-threatening, leave no lasting impression, and prepare.


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