It's the aliens fault

Recently during a high fever that accompanied a illness it all became clear to me, everything wrong with our country is a diabolical plan of the aliens (little green/grey men type not illegals, well maybe them too.) So here is my epiphany.
Basically they want to turn us into a subservient work force by the following means

Direct mind control: 
Used primarily on politicians because they have so little mind to control, to manipulate favorable policy, and divide the people. Sandyhook type shooters, because they also have no mind to speak of, to instill fear and increasing government control.

Biological chemical agents:
Used to make segments of the population more docile and fearful, also to make certain groups more aggressive so the sheep are willing to give up anything to feel safe. 

Genetic manipulation;
Used to increase conditions that require long-term use of medications to control (all those three letter conditions that anyone over forty has never heard of ), to creating a generation of junkies at a early age. 

Obamacare and government intrusions (see mind control above):  
So a generation of junkies have only one place to go for the next fix, next hand out etc. same can be said of most social programs.

Common core/high stakes testing: 
Something the vast majority of the educated population think is a bad idea but those under mind control ie. the mindless, are pushing through in the cover of darkness. Testing will expand until children have to start preparing for them as soon as they come out of the womb, no time to play, developer imagination, social skills. They will be tracked into a profession from birth to serve the aliens as mindless drones or politicians.

Social media/texting/email/youtube etc:
The perfect way to keep track of trouble maker' else does it make any sense.

Direct intervention:
For those that have a resistance to control, intelligence, or imagination who might be able to influence others must be removed from the society, by demonizing, demoralizing, or destroying.

Funny how my mind works when I'm sick...



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