Showing posts from 2017
Surviving the apocalypse: don't fuck with people
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Bottom line no matter how big, bad, and tough you think you are, don't fuck with people when you don't know what they are capable of. People are dangerous on a good day, under stress, in danger, frightened they are a hundred times worse. That meek little banker who you see every day may in fact be a borderline sociopath who would think nothing of slitting your throat and going on with his day as if nothing had happened. The lady on the corner may be a well trained markswoman, intent on defending her family at all costs. Finding yourself gutted by a third grade teacher, because you felt like being a dick is hardly a way to end your life. RE Howard: civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
American Horror Story has lost its horror
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American Horror Story has once again reared its ugly head, and while the last two seasons have been weak IMHO the most resent (Cult) has absolutely jumped the shark. Over loaded with social comemtary, caricatures, and stereotypes it has ceased to be horror and become parody. From its images of the psychotic right to sociopathic left, terrified Hispanics waiting for the INS to take them away, outwardly and overly racist whites, lesbian couples and gay man married to straight female BFF, throw in crazed gun owner and creepy clowns, it truly takes things one step too far. When the horror becomes nothing but sub-text, and social commentary is shoveled down your throat it really does not deserve the title American "Horror" Story, it was bad enough we all had to live through the circus of the last election with out having it magnified and rehashed once again, maybe the show runners should have rethought their agenda and stuck to horror.
Surviving the apocalypse: Opportunists survive
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What puts man at the top of the food chain? (if we really are) There are a number of common answers to this question, intelligence, ability to make tools, our ability to form communities, ability to transform our surroundings, language, etc. None of these are truly the answer. The answer is that humans are above all opportunists. We will take advantage of anything available if the situation is dire enough. Now that is a good thing,right? I guess, but it also what makes us the most dangerous animal on the planet, and the least trust worthy as well. It is a razor edge to balance, that division between opportunist and predator. Opportunists survive so be a opportunist, take advantage of situations but do it while maintaining a moral center, beware of predators because while they may thrive short term but in the end they will turn on anyone friend or family, and will eventually, in a SHTF situation have to be removed from playing board.
In defense of the Bat'leth
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With the new Star Trek series on the horizon and the numerous changes (horrible in my opinion) the show runners have made to the beloved Klingons the topic of the Bat'leth has been bandied about on forums and Youtube recently. A great number of these comments have consisted of words such as stupid, dumb, unusable, and ridiculous. Many making these comments are self proclaimed "experts" and others obviously have never held a edged weapon beyond a Mall Katana and certainly have never held a Bat'leth. While I would never say the Batleth is a great weapon it is far from the useless peice of crap that these so called experts would like to believe. So lets start with a couple of facts about the origin of the Bat'leth. The Bat'leth was created by Dan Curry in 1990 for the character of Worf in TNG, curry was a martial arts practitioner and has said he took inspiration from Deer horn knives, Curry also developed a fighting style with ritual dance like motions,...
The Unfortunate Thing That Prepping Has Become (good video)
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How to have a truly unsuccessful Youtube channel
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Here are some easy rules to having a truly unsuccessful Youtube channel 1. only do videos about things you like. 2. do videos about random subjects, and post them at random times. 3. Don’t use click bait, keep you titles factual and un-sensational. 4. Use the equipment you own, if you have a cell phone or 5 yrs old video cam that's all good. 5. Don't beg for money, if you don't have a Patreon or gofundme page you cant be successful. 6. Don't open a Amazon store, or sell tee shirts with your logo. 7. Don't do videos making theories about the next season of GOT. 8. Don't do videos saying how stupid other people are or demonizing people or groups you know nothing about. 9. don't put up with trolls or obvious idiots who comment on your videos, delete them and block them. 10. don't subscribe to thousands of channels you have no interest in just because you hope they will do the same. These are just a few of the many ways you to can have a truly un...
Laura making music with some of the instruments I have given her
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What the fμ<#!
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Seriously what the fuck is this country (the USA) coming to. Just came across a article where a child was suspended from school and a letter was sent out to parents to assure them that the threat to their children had been dealt with, because the child had liked a picture of a gun on facebook!! And it wasn't even a real gun, it was a air soft gun, not that it matters. Liked a photo, seriously this is so ridiculous that it is truly my mind blowing. The liberal, PC brain washing has gone too far, it's ok to legalize pot, it fine to be in this country illegally, it's ok to have violent protests in this country as long as you're the right race, but you can't like a picture of a gun on facebook without being crucified, what the fuck. If I were that kids parents I would be raising 12 kinds of shot.
a matter of perspective
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A matter of perspective, The other day I read a post speaking about how a marine unit had lost 9 members in the last 4 days and how unbelievable that was, terrible as that is, it seems that Americans have lost their perspective of war, and what a war really is. Lets start at the beginning US casualties in the Revolutionary War:25,000 Mexican American War:13,000 Civil War: 750,000 WWI: 116,000 WWII; 450,000 Korean: 36,000 Vietnam: 58,000 In WWII alone there was a average loss of life of over 200 a day.... Now lets move forward in the eight years that Obama was in office there was a total of apx. 2500 lives lost. Lives lost in war since 2001 apx 7000. In 2015 there were over 15,000 murders alone in the US So while any loss of life is regrettable, lets not over dramatize the losses that have occurred in these recent wars, and lets hope we never see what a real war is again.
Stupidity is a virus unique to humans
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Stupidity is a virus unique to humans, we see it or hear it and it takes hold and we become it. Not so long ago Stupid people were in a sense quarantined by their surroundings, their families and by society in general but not any longer. The Internet and media have become the method delivery and the infected are free to spread their disease with out check. Truth while not a cure, as there is no cure for the infected, is the only treatment. Unfortunately when our leaders have become carriers, and our news sources have become nothing but self serving editorials, treatment has become all but impossible, and once the disease is given the ability to spread there is nearly no chance of stopping it until it destroys all.
Blogging for no apparent reason
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So, I guess I'm blogging for no apparent reason as I am getting no views, I know I'm not doing anything to promote but I figured I might get a few views from time to time anyway. As it is I seem to be talking to myself in a big virtual empty room and not even hearing a echo. So do I keep adding entries or just let this die a honorable death? Not really sure guess I'll have to see how things go.
rant on videos regarding ancestry DNA and comments attached
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I was planning on putting this up on Youtube but I figure,"whats the point". As my father always said" it does no good to argue with fools, fanatics and self proclaimed experts" Which Youtube and the internet seems to have a over abundance of . So as to be not a total waste of time I will put it here. I figure one or two people might watch it.
Attire for the Zombie Apocalypse (rough Video as always)
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The biggest lie modern American parents tell their Children
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What is the biggest lie American parents tell their children? You can be anything you want to be and do anything you want to do. The fact is they can't. This has nothing to do with race, sex, nationality or any of the other trigger words that are so predominant today. What it has to do with is ability and skill, every human has limits, it's just a fact of nature and to bring children up with the lie and expectation that there are none is cruel and a disservice to not only them but society as a whole. A generation or two ago parents told their children they had the right to try to be anything they wanted to be, with in limits. The key words being try and limits. Those key words are missing from today's parenting and can only lead to disappointment and frustration when the realities of the world slap them down and they surely will.
internet expert
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Today I have decided that I will become a internet/Youtube expert. Not sure in what yet but it seems like it would be pretty easy, All I need to do is find three or four people who will agree with everything I say right or wrong, and then I can proclaim myself a expert, whether I know anything or not.
UUTAi play at JawHarp "Horse Races". Олена Подлужная - “На скачках“(варган)
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Surviving the apocalypse: what you carry in your pockets
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Ok, there is a lot out there telling you what you need in your bug out bag, get home bag, stored in your home, kept at your bug out location etc.etc. etc. ad nauseum, but the fact is when shtf really happens you aren't necessarily going to be at home, at your office, or in your car, and what you may have to depend on the items in your pocket. A good folding knife, flashlight, multi-tool, whistle, hank of cord and maybe a bit of duct tape may be the difference between life and death. Now I'm not one of those people who suggest you somehow shove a 50lb pack into your pants pocket but a few simple easy to carry items should go with you where ever you go.
3 top not so practical weapons for the Zombie Apocalypse (rough video)
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3 zombie apocalypse melee weapons, not tagged ( rough vid)
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Victornox Swiss Army Huntsman a quick look (rough video)
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Ok just got to say I have a thing for a woman that can whinny while playing a jews harp
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UUTAi Olga Podluzhnaya Video, Just because I like her...
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Things people seem not to understand
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The United States of America is not a democracy it is a republic. To try to or incite to overthrow a lawful election sanctioned by congress is at best revolt at worst treason. Freedom of speech does not give the right to insult, attack, harrass, bully, lie, or instigate unlawful acts. No person's or group's individual rights take supremacy over any others. The electoral college was established so that no single population center or group could have a unfair advantage over the country as a whole. Before and during the civil war the Democratic party did not want slavery abolished. The rights guaranteed in the Constitution and bill of rights are only guaranteed to American citizens. Just a few things people seem to have forgotten. And finally it is our duty as Americans to uphold and honor the constitution, and bill of rights, respect the office of president, whether we like or respect our elected president or not.
Surviving the apocalypse: clothing makes the man.
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You'll hear a lot of talk on what the correct attire for the end of the world is, some say camo, some say tactical black, but almost all talk about, fatigues, BDUs, vests, and molle straps, edc carry, etc. Well my thoughts come from a different reality than many of these people, the reality of a descendant of mid-western and southern dirt farmers. I put out to you that the perfect end of the world wardrobe must consist of the plain old fashion overall. A piece of attire which has fallen out of favor in these more trendy days. The overall is functional, multi purpose, comfortable, and stylish. They can be worn year round, and can serve in settings from the field to the church. They have enough pockets to carry all your edc needs and if they don't well you're carrying far too much crap, They are long wearing and as I said before comfortable. In a way they are the equivalent to the kilt of my Scots/Irish ancestors.
In rememberance of Jeremiah, another friend who has past on
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