
Showing posts from June, 2015

People throwing stones, Unrelated to anything

Who am I I'm part Cherokee my ancestors land was stolen, culture destroyed, we were driven across the country many died, those that survived were scattered to the winds.  I'm part Irish my ancestors were treated like animals,  our language and religion outlawed,  our land confiscated and when we crossed the ocean     hoping only to survive we were looked on as less than human and valued less than livestock. I am part Scot, war was waged against us,  our music, our language, and our clothing were forbidden.  Our king dethroned government disbanded,  Our women were raped, and a genocide was attempted.  I'm part Jewish, we were oppressed, we were enslaved,  we were burnt and butchered, we were driven from our home land, and every land we settled for over 2000 yrs. we were demonized, we were hunted.  My skin is white, I am called a racist and bigot because of it,  by people who have no idea who I am...

Making a natural natural slingshot slideshow


Surviving the Apocalypse: Slingshots

Slingshots, light, cheap (lets face it a functional slingshot can be made out of a forked stick and some rubber bands), silent, a great addition to your apocalypse supplies. First lets get one thing straight as a offensive / defensive weapon you could do much better, but as a survival tool the slingshot is more than a little useful.  Able to take small game (squirrels, rabbits, pigeons)  with relative ease, even larger game with the right set up and arrows, but unless the apocalypse takes out half the human race in the first few days most large game animals will be gone in less than a year...better get used to eating rodents is all I'm saying. Slingshots can also be used as a distraction when those pesky zombies are getting too close to your hiding spot. Fire a few rocks into the brush away from you and off those little brain eaters go in search of a meal while you can ninja your way to safety.... the one major drawback is that rubber doesn't last for ever and since I doubt ...

Pemmican - The Ultimate Survival Food - Episode2


primative food presevation Pemmican - The Ultimate Survival Food


Surviving the Apocalypse: Insurance

I guess right after toilet paper the most important thing to have in a apocalypse is knowledge. The problem with knowledge is it's sort of like insurance if you wait to get it until SHTF then you really are SOL. The good thing is, thanks to the dreaded internet the information is out there if you have the ability to sort through the huge piles of crap to find the few grains of knowledge that are useful to you. A few of my favorite places to look are Google books, there are a multitude of free to read period books that contain info on living in the days of yore (before electricity, public utilities etc.). Mother Earth News, a long time supplier of info and DIY projects that could be helpful in a apocalypse, and of course Youtube, unfortunately it takes much sifting to find truly useful info that is not a self promotion. Bottom line search a lot now while you have time. Find what will be useful to you in your situation and discard the rest.  

Surviving the Apocalypse K.I.S.S.

Keep it simple stupid: The world has just come to a end, do you really have time to read a 64 page instruction book in Chinese? Heck No. Keep in mind tried an true designs, things like the Zippo, Mora Knives, Maglite. there's a reason they have been around forever. No they may not be tacticool but what works works.

Ship's Bisket - Hard Tack: 18th Century Breads, Part 1. S2E12


Surviving the apocalypse (zombie or other)

I've watched a lot of videos, read a lot of blogs and articles and one thing is abundantly clear, you need at shit load of money, if you want to survive. Or at least that's what the slick marketing wants you to believe. The best of this, the latest of that, the must haves to get you through add up quickly. I only have one problem with this. No more than a hundred years ago a huge percentage of the population lived in what we would consider nearly post apocalyptic conditions. No electricity, running water, refrigeration, communication was sketchy at best. Limited to regional newspapers and local radio. Transportation slow and not entirely dependable, etc.etc. Now I'm pretty sure they had no clue about, G10, micarta, and cyro-tempering, but they seemed to survive all the same. Where I come from there's a saying" give a country boy a .22 and a pocket knife and he will survive." So I'm going give some opinions on surviving the next big thing in n...

Wawarsing Historical Society and Knife Museum


todays ramble

It seems that in the world we live in today anyone can put their ideas and words out so they can be read. I have to wonder why? Why do I care what anyone else is saying or doing at this moment in time and why would anyone care what I think or am doing. Answer: they don't, I don't and they shouldn't. I'm nobody and am more than happy to be nobody. I have no special skills, no qualifications that make me a expert on anything, but I figured with so much other worthless drivel being put out by the literal bucketful why shouldn't mine join the flood. What will this blog be about? hell if I know. I have some thoughts, some ideas but whether they come to anything or not is still up in the air. Bottom line is I'm writing this for me, if someone reads it fine, if not fine. If someone reads it and likes it great, if they don't like it to too damn bad. Oh and keep your trolling to yourself because I wont read it, it will have no effect on me, how I feel, what I write...