People throwing stones, Unrelated to anything

Who am I
I'm part Cherokee my ancestors land was stolen,
culture destroyed, we were driven across the country many died,
those that survived were scattered to the winds. 
I'm part Irish my ancestors were treated like animals, 
our language and religion outlawed, 
our land confiscated and when we crossed the ocean  
hoping only to survive we were looked on as less than human
and valued less than livestock.
I am part Scot, war was waged against us, 
our music, our language, and our clothing were forbidden. 
Our king dethroned government disbanded, 
Our women were raped, and a genocide was attempted. 
I'm part Jewish, we were oppressed, we were enslaved, 
we were burnt and butchered, we were driven from our home land,
and every land we settled for over 2000 yrs. we were demonized, we were hunted. 
My skin is white, I am called a racist and bigot because of it, 
by people who have no idea who I am nor desire to find out, 
but it's OK because my skin is also very thick.


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