Surviving the Apocalypse: Insurance

I guess right after toilet paper the most important thing to have in a apocalypse is knowledge. The problem with knowledge is it's sort of like insurance if you wait to get it until SHTF then you really are SOL. The good thing is, thanks to the dreaded internet the information is out there if you have the ability to sort through the huge piles of crap to find the few grains of knowledge that are useful to you. A few of my favorite places to look are Google books, there are a multitude of free to read period books that contain info on living in the days of yore (before electricity, public utilities etc.). Mother Earth News, a long time supplier of info and DIY projects that could be helpful in a apocalypse, and of course Youtube, unfortunately it takes much sifting to find truly useful info that is not a self promotion. Bottom line search a lot now while you have time. Find what will be useful to you in your situation and discard the rest.  


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