Surviving the Apocalypse: Slingshots

Slingshots, light, cheap (lets face it a functional slingshot can be made out of a forked stick and some rubber bands), silent, a great addition to your apocalypse supplies. First lets get one thing straight as a offensive / defensive weapon you could do much better, but as a survival tool the slingshot is more than a little useful.  Able to take small game (squirrels, rabbits, pigeons)  with relative ease, even larger game with the right set up and arrows, but unless the apocalypse takes out half the human race in the first few days most large game animals will be gone in less than a year...better get used to eating rodents is all I'm saying. Slingshots can also be used as a distraction when those pesky zombies are getting too close to your hiding spot. Fire a few rocks into the brush away from you and off those little brain eaters go in search of a meal while you can ninja your way to safety.... the one major drawback is that rubber doesn't last for ever and since I doubt we will be getting any shipments from SE Asia once shtf, that may be a biggie.
Check out Simple Shot Shooting Sports for a good selection of slingshot supplies in the US. Milbro Pro Shot in the UK and Dankung out of China. Or better yet grab yourself a forked stick and some rubber and make your own.


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