todays ramble

It seems that in the world we live in today anyone can put their ideas and words out so they can be read. I have to wonder why? Why do I care what anyone else is saying or doing at this moment in time and why would anyone care what I think or am doing. Answer: they don't, I don't and they shouldn't. I'm nobody and am more than happy to be nobody. I have no special skills, no qualifications that make me a expert on anything, but I figured with so much other worthless drivel being put out by the literal bucketful why shouldn't mine join the flood.
What will this blog be about? hell if I know. I have some thoughts, some ideas but whether they come to anything or not is still up in the air.
Bottom line is I'm writing this for me, if someone reads it fine, if not fine. If someone reads it and likes it great, if they don't like it to too damn bad. Oh and keep your trolling to yourself because I wont read it, it will have no effect on me, how I feel, what I write or how I write, so it will really just be a waste of your limited time here on the planet.


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