Surviving the apocalypse (zombie or other)

I've watched a lot of videos, read a lot of blogs and articles and one thing is abundantly clear, you need at shit load of money, if you want to survive. Or at least that's what the slick marketing wants you to believe. The best of this, the latest of that, the must haves to get you through add up quickly. I only have one problem with this. No more than a hundred years ago a huge percentage of the population lived in what we would consider nearly post apocalyptic conditions. No electricity, running water, refrigeration, communication was sketchy at best. Limited to regional newspapers and local radio. Transportation slow and not entirely dependable, etc.etc. Now I'm pretty sure they had no clue about, G10, micarta, and cyro-tempering, but they seemed to survive all the same. Where I come from there's a saying" give a country boy a .22 and a pocket knife and he will survive." So I'm going give some opinions on surviving the next big thing in no particular order of importance.
 Toilet paper: yep that's right, a lot of people go on and on about guns, ammo and food, but what I want is toilet paper. Lets face it, our diets are going to change and not for the better. Most of us are going to spend as much time squatting as hunting and the last thing I want is a rash on my ass, and if there are women in your party this becomes a true necessity along with feminine products ( which are multipurpose anyway) After SHTF toilet paper will be worth its weight in gold.


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