
Showing posts from 2016

Robert E. Howard - Children Of The Night (for anyone who hasn't actually read Howard and just knows the crappy Conan movies)


Old School Democrat vs. Modern Democrat

Old School Dem I'm right and if you agree with me you're right too, if you don't you're wrong and that's OK but let me explain why you're wrong. Modern Dem: I'm right and you'd better agree with me or you're a bigot, racist, sexist, xenophobic, misogynistic uneducated idiot and you should just die.

Just because: Ольга Подлужная


Proof, even New York can be pretty


prepare for the worst NOW

I am no fortune teller, but anyone with any sense, any idea as to what is currently going on in the world should have a chill going up thier spine. So here is what I am predicting, in the next couple of weeks there will be a crisis of major scale, be it war with Russia, civil unrest or ecconomic colapes. We will then hear from the Whitehouse that BO will suspend the election, and stay in office to maintain stability until the crisis has past. The uniformed masses will applaud this, and since we have a ass and a criminal running for office currently there will not be enough of a uproar to prevent this from happening. Some will even praise this action as the salvation of America, but what it will be is the end of America and the begining of dictatorship and martial law.

In memory of Tyler James

Tyler was a rescue cat he came into our home 14 yrs ago, we will miss him.

Great Zombie Apocalypse Vehicle


how to survive in the world

Years and years ago, when I was old enough to be out and about on my own my father told me many things, one was how to act around police officers. He had these following guide lines. Always say Sir: yes Sir, no Sir. Always speak in a calm and even voice. Always tell the officer what you are doing before you do it, I'm getting out my license, I'm opening the door. Always make slow and deliberate movements. Never argue, if asked a question reply without emotion and leave it at that, lawyers are paid to argue. Never try to leave without permission. Always be polite, say thank you, have a nice day etc. whether you mean it or not. Why did my father tell me these things, not because of my skin color or religion but because it was the proper way to act around police officers. Too bad people don't teach their children this anymore. He also told me to be respectful of my elders or expect a slap up along side the head but that's another story.

something to think about


If second falls so shall the first

Amendment II A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Something everyone should read...From The Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long tra...

Surviving the apocalypse: medical needs

Now I know we all have our nifty little first aid kit tucked neatly in out BOB, and that's great for a long weekend. I know that some of us stockpile meds, fish antibiotics, emergency dressing etc. and that's great, but the fact is in a long term SHTF situation meds get old, loose there strength and can even become toxic in time, dressings run out, and some antibiotics can kill some people (I know I'm one) survive long term you must take advantage of medicinal plants and holistic healing. Books are great sources of info but hardly the end all and be all, vids are great as well but what you really need is hands on person to person training, and now is the time to get it. Classes can be found in most large cities and many community colleges these days. 

Dragons kill people

                                          Guns don't kill people, Dragons kill people!!!!!

More Strangeness

Hi, no I haven't given up on my surviving the apocalypse post just taking a little break. So anyway to the strangeness. I live in a neighborhood that has a large multipurpose field surrounded on two sides by woods, and I happen to live directly across from it, Anyway the other day I was taking my German Shepherd for a walk when I noticed a grey shape standing at the edge of the woods across from me. Now normally I wouldn't have thought much about this seeing how we do have a lot of wildlife and domestic animals around. The thing that struck me as strange was that I could not focus on it, no mater how hard I tried it just remained a indistinct grey shape the size of a large dog or slightly larger. I stared at it for several second trying to see it more clearly before it just disappeared, I didn't see any movement it was just there and then it wasn't. I looked down and saw my dog staring in the same direction for a moment before looking up at me with a expression that on...

resortera kit from Nico


just a little strange

I haven't been feeling real well lately, which in part is why I haven't been posting. It's hard to come up with things to say when you feel like crap, but putting that aside. When I'm not feeling well I tend to spend more time on the computer and in front of the TV than normal. One of the things I tend to watch/listen to are the many paranormal radio programs on YouTube. They tend to be entertaining, mindless ways to kill time and well are a little bit of a guilty pleasure. So anyway what I have noticed is a strange coincidence, when ever I happen to select one of these shows on "shadowpeople" I invariably run into some technical problem that prevents me from watching it. I know sounds like hogwash right? but it's true I can watch/listen to shows on ghosts, no problem. Vampires, no problem. Demons, UFOs, witchcraft etc. etc. etc. but shadowpeople big problem. Do I give this any mystical meaning, well not really, but I do find it kind of strange.

Surviving the apocalypse: learn to let stuff go.

As a culture this seems to be a skill we lost, we all seem to be collectors of something. Even those involved in prepping and survival pursuits seem to be in the constant act of acquiring stuff. I personally know how hard it is to give up your stuff and just how much of our "identity" is connected to our stuff. Not that long ago I was forced to go from a large two bedroom, two bath, kitchen, living room, dinning room, with storage apartment, to a one room studio. It was traumatic to give up so much of the stuff I had collected, and this was under what could be considered normal conditions not in a emergency situation where it could be a mater of life and death. So my advise today, for what it's worth, is prepare yourself to give up your stuff, develop a mindset that will allow you to quickly translate to a minimalist should the need arise. Bottom line, if you can't carry it, you just don't need it. 

Slabtown Customs "Rustic Glamper" What a hoot!!


just stupid

found out today that I'm a racist because I don't like a certain type of food. Not because I don't like the taste, that it's too spicy, and because it gives me gas....NO because I'm racist....seriously are people just stupid or what?  I also found out I'm racist and sexist because I see no point in  changing who is on the twenty dollar bill....what is this country (US) coming to? Time to start building that bunker

World War Z the audio book

Ok. First for any of you who actually read this I have to apologize for not posting recently. I could say it was because of some life changing even, but the truth is I just haven't felt up to again sorry. Now to what this is about, I recently had the opportunity to listen to the unabridged, 12 hour, movie tie-in, audio book of World War Z by Max Brooks. First let me say I have no idea what kind of experience reading this work of fiction would be like, but listening to it was a truly enjoyable experience. It is a intelligent, well thought out, and realistic portrayal of a world wide zombie epidemic and it's aftermath. In my opinion it is by far the best zombie fiction out there, and the fact that it is preformed by a full cast of exemplary actors is just icing on the cake. I've read a lot of reviews that are negative, comparing it to all of the other hack and slash zombie flotsam and jetsam that is out there, and while it does not have the structure, the hero saving...

X-Files not so far out anymore.

I was watching the recent incarnation of the X-files and I realize that the show which had seemed so far out when I was younger doesn't seem to be that far off the mark today. We have a president who side steps the Constitution whenever he feels like it and a legislative branch this is more than willing to let him. We have spy drones flying over American cities. We have government agencies whose purview is to do nothing else but monitor our conversations. Our federal government is demanding that a private company produce software which would allow them to hack into pretty much half the phones in America. We have children who are more more becoming allergic to the foods they eat, while becoming more and more dependent on drugs to control their" moods".We have illnesses and diseases which have developed immunity to our antiviral medicines and our antibiotics and we have a federal government that is now in control of our health care in this country. We have new...

Surviving the apocalypse: Be smart not tactical

It's human nature to want the biggest, newest, the best and when we're talking survival we all want the coolest gun, some monster knife that will chop down trees, and all those neat gadgets they talk about on Youtube and that's fine if you live in a rural environment or Texas. Unfortunately most of us live in a urban or semi urban are where having those things on our person will at the very least get them confiscated by who ever is trying to control the situation or killed at the other end of the spectrum. Therefore I put to you the good enough plan. If a 20 dollar Mora knife will do the job then it's good enough. If a school backpack will hold your stuff then it's good enough, if a Schrade folding knife will cut what you need got it, it's good enough. This is a  option that most people wont even consider in today's world but the fact is it's cheaper, and will likely draw much less attention to yourself.

Surviving the apocalypse: you don't need 52 different Bug Out Bags

I've been watching videos again, and it seems the trend is to have sooooooo many Bug Out Bags that you need a separate building just to store them. It seems you need a EDC Bug Out Bag which never leaves your side, a BOB for your car, a Get Home Bag so you can get home to get your BOB. If you work in a office you need a office BOB, a while you're sleeping BOB so when something happens in the night you have a BOB till you wake up enough to grab your other BOBs, a school BOB, a gym BOB.....etc. etc. and so on. Enough is enough already. Redundancy is great but this is just plain stupid. Get your self or better yet make yourself a BOB, keep it in a place where it is accessible when you feel you need it most, make yourself a emergency supply kit to keep in your car and just stop the madness. Most people spend the vast majority of their time in one of three places, at home, at work or in their vehicle. So at the very most you will need three cashes of supplies and most people will onl...

Surviving the Apocalypse, you don't need a firearm to survive

Yeah I know I'm ruffling some feathers here, and no I'm not anti-gun. I'm very pro-gun, I own and have been a shooter since I was old enough to hold a rifle. What I am saying here is that to "survive" you do not need a firearm. It seems that most vids on the internet today that focus on survival always focus on a firearm and more often than not a handgun, but the truth is when it comes to survival a handgun is all but useless. Read what I said there for "survival" this is entirely different than for "defense", and while a long gun is a excellent tool for survival it is not necessary for taking game, especially small game, that can be done with, a bow, slingshot, rabbit stick, air rifle, atlatl, and through trapping. Trapping in itself is a much more cost effective way of taking game than hunting. So when you watch those vids that say you have to have a gun, well fine if you are a gun person but if you're not there is still hope for you, jus...

Washing Dishes in the 18th Century


Surviving the Apocalypse, Prepare for primitive

I guess what I want to say in a nutshell is learn the old way to do things. Modern tech is great, and in a short term situation it really is the way to go, but if things truly go from bad to worse, that tech may be your downfall. Batteries die, tech stops working, fuel runs out, and there may not be a source available to you when you need it most. However if you have the knowledge to survive without tech then you really have a leg up. Here's a example pretty much anyone can start a fire with a lighter or matches, but when those are gone the ability to make fire with a flint and steel, bow drill or magnifier may gave your life. The same thing goes for so many things in life. Learn the primitive and you can really survive long term.

Ka bar finn velocity folder a quick look


CRKT Confidence In Hand.. chance to win some cool stuff


A Quick Look at the CRKT Ritter RSK Knife (rough video)


Surviving the Apocalypse:5 minute or less stuff around the house bugout survival bag (rough vid)
